I would just like to say that I appreciate those of you that visit my blog. It does mean a lot to me and it is very encouraging. Sometimes I get disappointed when someone doesn't make any comments though, but again I do appreciate ya! But feel free to comment away; it would make my day. Wow that rhymed!!

I had the opportunity this morning to have breakfast with my quasi-adopted daughter Hannah Burkdoll. What a blessing she has been to me and I am looking forward to a growing relation with her and her husband Matt. Hannah and Matt go to church with us and they are a fun couple to be around, despite the fact that they have a Washington Redskins mailbox.

I had the Midwest Breakfast of which you can see some of it still on my plate. I normally take a picture before eating but I forgot until midway through. As always breakfast at Patty's Heartland Cafe was really good. This is one of my son Josh's favorite places to go for breakfast when he is in town. My eggs were not done to the way I ordered them but I know, had I said anything that they would have fixed that problem. I normally order over-well and these were over-easy. Those reading this that have facial hair know why over-easy eggs are not a wise choice. But I did just have my mustache trimmed so I didn't have to worry about carrying egg around all day. Hannah gave her Western Omelet a 7 on a scale of 1-10 and she said it was pretty good.
This would be the booth seat. |

Patty has another location in downtown Topeka it is called Heartland Cafe Uptown, I think. Same wonderful comfort breakfast food (you know the kind that Dr. Oz tells you not to eat) as the Pauline location. And same hole in the wall atmosphere as well. Worn out seats at the Pauline location made us laugh this morning. Hannah asked me why here and I said I come for the worn out seats and the dog-eared menus... and to witness the waitress sleeping in the booth.
I would like to invite you to join us at the Souper Bowl at 5440 SW 37th Street, Topeka, KS. Come and join in on the fun, fellowship, football, and food. If you think you can cook chili bring a pot but it needs to be in the kitchen no later than 4 pm. I am not entering any chili in the contest this year so your chances of bringing a winner's pot to the table are increased.
Thanks for reading - Please come back.
Chow and Chow Down
Blessings to Ya'll
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You can NEVER go wrong here. I like the Corned Beef Hash and eggs. Love it. Oh, and Bacon!!!